I could have sworn the many times I’ve measured my penis that it was 6 inches and a millimeter shy from being 6 and a half inches long...Measuring from the top. Is my penis shrinking ? - defopph
Boys jerking of / masturbating and cumming while they do not have balls. Where does their cum from as they have no testicles? Are they just castrated? Is this their last semen ever? - TesticleAdmirer
Me encanta coger y que me la mamen soy apasionado ybien caliente soy más activo también me gustan besos mamar y pues es la primera vez que me siento como muy atraído por los hombres aún me siento a - Vegam29
When I’m masturbating I’m almost waiting for a catalyst to pull me into the modern context a.k.a. girls whom I like or have fooled around with. - defopph