Of all the hot daddies I chat with, Mr. Byers has become a good, close friend. We talk a lot about his many boys, all from different wives he’s had. Poor guy seems unlucky in love, but overflowing wit - Liam Aries Myles Landon - mormonboyz
Daddy is the subject of a training session, where Clark is teaching Nishi the art of erotic massage. The two Asian boys get right to work on Mike's gym sore body. They begin making their way to his co - asiantwink
It’s easy to take for granted when you’ve got a hot, older man who’s eager to please. Especially when he’s in your own house! But it’s important to remember that he’s got needs, too! This video came i - mormonboyz
Colby and Rusty, the couple between gay bear and twink gay, are the lover, a long term relationship. But Colby's dad knew his son was gay, but his son never introduce his lover, Rusty to his dad. - 07arifhidayat