A fuck buddy of mine was over a few years back. Didn’t get the best parts on video. I shot inside him and then sucked him off while my cock went slowly limp inside him - Gimmethedaddies
Na ich wünschte das würde mir mal so passieren, oder es würde einer bei mir vor der Tür stehen kommen und mich ins Schlafzimmer schieben und missbrauchen - Leder60
I love when straight guys want to hook up because I let them do all the nasty stuff that women have too much self respect to let them do. - stoOpidFhagit
Bisexual Builder calls round one Friday afternoon after work to get fucked through my private Glory Hole before heading back to his Girlfriend. Took a nice raw load from me. PM me for locationo. - zoonie2003
A visiting businessman in his 50s, we made plans to meet at his hotel (coincidentally next to my university campus). A very yummy daddy bear he was. - Darkien
I do love this position of fuck. And his way of fucking is great. I love step daddybig turkish waouh even his feets i will lick them.. love this video. - Moloum