I've been working up to 12mm for a long time. Here is the aftermath after sitting in my small dick for 45 minutes. I didn't want to let go. This really wrecked me. - lincsucker
I am a weird guy. I asked a toy maker to create a toy that would be too loose for a horse, and he produced this monstrosity. I fucked it for an hour and had the most unspectacular orgasm ever. - Beastial_Lust
WHAT AM i DOING WRONG? I have never had a cock ring before so I bought a vibrating one and all it does is sit there 'till it falls off can anyone help? - Lesv10
If you're sexually excited to watch this video, use as many vulgar, violent and obscene words as possible to write your thoughts. because it's the best bait for Fat Jap cum dump pig Shino. - SHINObiashi
Had a spare aerial for my car after washing and sterilising it I just had to try a sounding session with it.... Absolutely awesome and it's 12 inches long and flexible... Like sounding try it ?? - Buxtonleek