Blooper vid, surprise guest after popsicle vid
I get a surprise after shooting my popsicle vid - Victoria Lecherri - Victoriatv1
White satin party skirt & petticoat
White shiny silky satin lined wedding party formal skirt and bridal petticoat shiny pantyhose. Silky clothing fetish - Orionpryme - Orionpryme
Bride Dream
I always wanted to be a Bride, will you make me yours? - Nicorin
I love cross dress as a Bride 52
I dress in white hose, garters, heels, corsett, pantys, bride gown. You can see double crossed legs. You can enclouse the bride in the dress! It`s a dream! - Julian069
Satin wedding dress & petticoat
Liquid satin bride lined wedding dress gown with silky petticoat and shiny pantyhose. - Orionpryme - Orionpryme
Chinese style bride seduction
Chinese bride with penis is twisting her body, waiting for macho. - xingzifei
Curvy girdle fun
More of me in an old girdle, feeling so femme and girly and admiring my own curves - Victoria Lecherri - Victoriatv1