Older Cock x
Small Men x
Swiss x
Workout with weigth on the genitals
The old men starts to get fitter. I got his big weigth around the masculinity. He try to shake the menhood as hard he can. It feels gooooooooood! - El_Rosso
The oldie putts the foxtail in the butt.
As he have time to play around, the old men first pee in a beer glas and then he push himself a tail in the butt. - El_Rosso
One more time the oldie needs to pee.
The old men loves it to show his small cock while he pees in glases or mugs. - El_Rosso
The oldie is bored at home.
The old men is bored at home and while he fumbles around he need to pee. He use a jar and then he drinks his pee. - El_Rosso