Includes a great dance in a mesh leotard, the full car wash scene you may have seen clips of, and other Pat Wynn gems. In With Auntie 2 is on other tube sites - Pat Wynn - MyVintageMommy
All star cast of Donna Ambrose, Donna Murray, Virgina Felsom, and Millie Minchen. Bushy booby heaven - Donna Ambrose Millie Minchen Donna Murray - MyVintageMommy
Another bushy booby gem featuring Coral Burton (Karen Britton), Donna Ambrose, Shona McTavish, and more. - Shona Mctavish Donna Ambrose - MyVintageMommy
Includes Candy Samples, Pat Wynn, Trinity Loren, Jacqueline Lorians, Keli Stewart, and a few others in one of the holy grails of bushy booby movies. - Candy Samples Keli Stewart Trinity Loren Pat Wynn Jacqueline Lorians - MyVintageMommy