The feeling this gives your testicles when they feel heavy is outta this world. Purchase one if you've never used one before. Promise you it'll change your experience jerking off. - SmallToAverage
When I make love with women, I love when they put fingers in my clean ass ! So I decided to try toys dedicated to her on me ! Difficult to have a good erection with a toy in the ass... I didn't knew ! - Lucas Marshell - jaguarkalel1983
Highlights from the session when I tried to insert a large canine shaped dildo for the first time. I also tried to loosen myself up with a large transparent dildo.Nice wank at the end. - bigears
My first time using three different sized sounds - 6, 7, 8 mm. Got me rock hard which led to a nice orgasm. Hurt like hell taking a piss afterwards though! - 11austin
It has been a couple years since I have been fucked or fucked myself. Damm it feels good to be back. Sorry for the t.v. in the background. - ButtholePleasures
Letting a complete stranger drive me for the first time. It was great. Hook up your gear and play along with me to see for yourself. - Ben There - cbvs80