Erst im roten Lederkleid auf den Bett mit eingesperrtem Schwanz den Sack massiert, danach jag ich mir einen Perdedildo komplett in meine Arschfotze. Mit Soundtrack. - micha_dwt
I am so desperate for a man that I just had to pleasure myself with my dildo, first against the sideboard, then on my back with my legs spread, I fantasise about a big masculine man on top of me. - sandrafnch33
I had the urge to tie myself up with my girlfriend out for dinner with friends, she could come home at any minute and catch me helpless like this. I'll need to cum fast and find a way out. - Imbound4u
thought I'd try out some new sexy body stockings and oils, even splurged on a tapered anal plug that stretched me so wide! tied myself up on my knees and tried to give myself an anal orgasm! - Imbound4u