DILF Gobbles Dildo like a Gay Bitch
Amateur married man sucks a dildo down his throat like a gay bitch cock sucker - BumpstickRyder
Me deep throating a married buddy
Oh man, this guy loves my throat, and I like his cock too. - pnw69fun
59 year old married buddy
nice man with a great solid belly and cock on him mmmmm. - ramman1440
Masked blowjob
Masked cocksucker blowing a married guy's dick. - Ma5kedcock5ucker
Breeding str8 married daddy after he does the school run
This guy dropped into mine after he done the school run, before he went to work...nice guy, didn't want to be fucked but guess what happened lol lol lol - Hands42
Black asshole was so damn good this white man married for over 30 years packed up and left his wife for it. - Tabasco45
Blowing a married dude
A regular married man getting blown. Too bad he only allows me to do it with a condom. - BrooklynGH
Home Is Where The Bi-Sexual Heart Is
Upon coming out to my wife instead of leaving me she decided to ask her gay brother to provide me with what she couldn't and now we're still happily married. Now a three way marriage though. - Tabasco45
It's Like That (And That's The Way It Is)
Giving up his morals as a str8 married man in order to settle a debt he couldn't pay. - Tabasco45
Devoted deep throat session
This cocksucker loves to suck cock and gives a really good cock sucking session to a married Dominican man - G-BEAR71
Niko submissive whore looking for men who really expose him
niko jan b. from koblenz / germany ffers himself for sale to be able to pay off his home. he is a submissive whore and wants to get exposed and spread information, photos and videos of him. - beninbi