Quarantine fuck
The only way to have safe and virus free sex with a hand made vibrator using my old toothabrush and a carot :) - Corfu_btm35
Heavy Fuck machine Drilling JohnThomas
Heavy Fuck machine Drilling JohnThomas, sloppy mancunts follow @greedyriders - butterup
Bouncing on The Great American Challenge
My DIY project paid off, such a comfortable way to get fucked deeply. The 2 1/2" head is past the 2nd ring and feels awesome. It cost me less than 15 USD to build the chair - helix2753
Doll Fuck 4
Having sex with my doll - Zigzagman - zigzagman2424
A simple dildoing innovation for you to try
Self fucking with a dildo using a chair for leverage. My hole is way too big for this dildo! - Cumcomida
Fuck toy
Masterbation toy for a cock cumming pleasure ride! - davidwebbcdi
Fucking and Cumming in My Fleshlight
First attempt. Should have zoomed out a little but I shot a nice big load in there that came pouring out the other side! I came so hard I accidentally pushed my plug out. - explodeinyou