A narrated history of Hand-in-Hand Films by Mark Woodward from the set of then-filming, and ultimately unreleased, film Bagdad. Commentary from directors Jack Deveau and Peter de Rome. - NMHOTDAD
Four guys are traveling through the desert. One steals from the other three but gets caught, tied up and abandoned in the wilderness. Overlapping sequence of plots makes scene division impractical. - NMHOTDAD
A Robert Prion production featuring 9 unrelated scenes of hot action. Prion produced and directed around 40 feature films. Jay Richards, Prion's lover, appeared in many. - NMHOTDAD
A narrated history of Hand-in-Hand Films by Mark Woodward from the set of then-filming, and ultimately unreleased, film Bagdad. Commentary from directors Jack Deveau and Peter de Rome. - NMHOTDAD