A little bit of a poke and a prod
The glass one is good and rigid but much practice is still required to maintain a constant angle and the proper positioning... nevertheless my thigh did get very wet and sticky so all is good :P - Mimsy B - brimbles
Quarantine fap
My nightie made me horny, so I had to literally take matters into my hand lol - kenyancd
KitsyMe0w. Hungry little pup with cute wagging tail buttplug
Not a lot to see in this video other than how cute the little wagging tail buttplug is. I love it,it's a fun toy,makes me feel like a real pet and lets me express when I'm happy or enjoying something. - Kitsy Meow - KitsyMe0w
Giving my New Love some Attention
She just needed to be sucked... is it weird that my dildo is a she? - Mimsy B - brimbles
Spanking for Kitsy. Slipper and pingpong paddle.
I know you like to see me get spanked...the real thing,not just playtime. Includes some OTK. - Kitsy Meow - KitsyMe0w
A live end to Halloween
So yeah, it was actually on the 1st and some issues with the process lead to me only recoding the second orgasm but here's how my Halloween ended. - Mimsy B - brimbles
A good stroking for Kitty Mimsy Brimbles
I spend a little bit of time as a cat... with my plug in I masturbate and cum on my face. - Mimsy B - brimbles
Sometimes once just isn't enough
That little voice is always there... "that felt fucking awesome. Wouldn't another one feel even better?" - Mimsy B - brimbles
Face Fucked By Machine Cock
Sissy Janine gets face fucked by the fucking machine - SubmissiveFetish