Alice march might not be the brightest girl at innocent high, but she sure is the most absorbent. She begs to retake her midterm, but the teacher just doesnt wanna hear it. So what usually happens aft - Justin Magnum Alice March - TeamSkeet
Jessie went to Mr. Diamond after school to get his signature to sign a form for her to transfer to a prep school. At first he told her he wont sign it because she never comes to class, but after she w - Cassidy Ryan - TeamSkeet
I skipped and headed home early because Mr. Fitzergood was on his way to my house for a parent/principal meeting. He wanted to talk about my absences and other things but he found me instead. I showed - TeamSkeet
Amai was in class when she kept falling asleep. Mr. Johnson was pissed that he found her on her desk. She told him she was narcoleptic but he didn't believe her, so he told her to go to the - Amai Liu Charles Dera - TeamSkeet
Emily was set to prove to me that she should be on the basketball team, but the only balls I wanted her to play with were mine. She also told me she plays the flute and that gave me even more - TeamSkeet
Detention has become a regular thing for Anya and her teacher had enough. Mr. John was fed up with always seeing her during and after school and begged her to just finish her assignment so they can a - TeamSkeet
She is a new student here at Innocent High. She is currently enrolled in Mr. Maxwells class where they are going over the Civil Rights Leaders for Black History Month. She expresses her concern tha - TeamSkeet
Sometimes I just go into a cursing tirade that I can’t control. I tense up and I’ve even had trouble controlling my hands. I think the doctors said I have turrets. They said I’ll probably always have - TeamSkeet
Richard was tired of Veronica fucking up his name in class so he had to punish this misbehaving teen! Of course....with some D in her after school to really get the point across! Plus, it was social h - TeamSkeet