... ich habe mir Deine Bilder angesehen und war so überreizt, leider wurde er nicht richtig steif .... allerdings konnte ich durch Dich richtig schön kommen .... Bussi meine Liebe ! - wsfreund
I woke up very horny today and have Masturbated 4 times (It’s 1pm as I load this in... was up at 8 am. )Enjoy, like, comment! Happy Halloween ! - jerkofffan
I’m sure this will get a bunch of comments. I had a bunch of hot pics on slideshow which inspired Me to a hot jerk session with a nice load! Yes, I ate the popcorn afterwords :) enjoy, comment, like! - jerkofffan
After watching my first video, I was immediately turned on and rubbed my smooth cock off immediately. No edge, just straight cum. This is 5 minutes after my first 2 hour edge. - EdgeGod