Even at her old age she can't get enough and she always loves some young dick to fuck. Today she is feeling horny and when she takes her teeth out for a blowjob you know she's serious! - Stiffia
I swear every time this homeless woman's gums and lips touches this guy's dick she has an uncontrollable screaming orgasm with his sensitive dick! I wish I had this man's dick AND Ms.Homless's mouth - TakeTeethOut
She loves surprising the younglings when her gums hit their cock... They just think she has good head and don't know how to explain the sensation.. call her mouth pussy - TakeTeethOut
She Keeps A Steady Chewing And Nodding Pace With A Continuous Intense Sucking Power To Pull Out Your Seed Even If You Don't Want Her To. - Virginity1996
Made it 8 days on no nut november, but on the 9th a toothless woman offered me something I could not resist. Her gums biting my dick for my seed.. broke a record, took my nut in under two minutes. - Virginity1996
You'll be surprised what these older 55+ women will do with just a few kind words. talked to her for about 4 days, called her beautiful 3 times. She Lied & said I was nephew so she could drain me. - Virginity1996
P.O.T stands for post-orgasmic torture if you're not familiar. And using your soft pinky slimy gums to bite the head for Evey last drop would make any regular men quiver in ecstasy - Virginity1996
FUCK!!! That Nut Was Going To Be SOOO Good .. Fuck Cumming, That Was Going To Be A Full Blown Orgasm With A Thick Stream Of Cum To Show For It.. But She Punked Out - Virginity1996
God DAYUM, She chews that dick like his nut has the cure for daddy issues.. first she tries to gag on it with her Dentures in, then realizes the only way she has a chance to get it off is to gum it - Virginity1996