I can't believe after I cursed Jordan's mother I went to Jordan's enemies house and in stepped into the door and there their they're god was Bigdickjason stinkydickjason he was so smelly I suckedhimup - Unholyshaokahn3
Centurion? I'll say q few things about Sonya you didn't ready to knew it yet because it hurts.... After Sonya dies Sonya enemies centurion are ready to pick up the slack make fem Stinky butt moment - Unholyshaokahn3
Hi I'm Quan chi I hate liberate lobster it's smells like fish just a big ass dick roach cock roach getting hateful you stupid motherfuckers Jason Massey's enemy's or enemies I'll suck they dick - SargenteTemplartvar
I don't want to fucking spit at you with my dick spit.!!! Jordan's enemies make love better then Monica's and lopetha's enemies are triumphant Tonya's and Sonya's enemies make stinky fem booty moment - Unholyshaokahn3
Justina's enemies fine then a motherfucker!!! Transsexual girls pretty ass beauty pagent pussy with Justina's enemies fine big dick ass bag dick big booty fine ass enemies!!! Jordan's enemies fine af - Unholyshaokahn3