Barry is a family man, who works in the corporate world and travels a lot. He is more comfortable in a suit than jeans and t-shirt. He's not one of the good old boys I usually feature, but Barry is a - asiantwink
Benny is a 28 year old construction supervisor. His friendly, guy-next-door personality hides some dark secrets. At 5' 11" and 180 pounds, who loves his Harley motorcycle and parties hard. - asiantwink
This long, lean drink of water is a referral from my old friend, Scott, and they favor one another in many ways. Mark makes his living in construction, and just returned to Atlanta from Pensacola, FL - asiantwink
My old friend Richard introduced me to this guy. Kris is a friendly, burly fellow who makes his living as a HVAC specialist, welder, and computer repair man. He is 25 years old, 5' 11", and 210 pounds - asiantwink
Doug is a big old construction worker, who travels the country for his profession. I just happened to find him on his last day in Atlanta. Friendly and outgoing, he is 35 years old, 6' 5", and 240 pou - asiantwink
Here is a rugged and ragged one for you. He restores old boats for a living. I spotted this old salt while he was in town for a weekend of relaxation. Although somewhat uncomfortable, Peter soon eased - asiantwink
Although we've keep in contact on a regular basis, I haven't seen this old friend in several years, until he called wanting me to meet Kris. He still does HVAC and works several construction jobs to m - asiantwink
This pleasant young man was sent to me by my old friend Bobo. He is 31 years old, 5' 8", and 140 pounds, and makes his living as a landscaper. Colby has a running mate named Donald that I think is mor - asiantwink
John works as a parking lot attendant, and has a fat old wife at home. This old guy absolutely loves getting his dick sucked. He's in great a shape, for his age, and I can only imagine what kind of bo - asiantwink
Perry is an old friend and one of my earliest models. He stopped by to play with the sex toys, jerk off and shoot a load of cum for us. It's not my usual format. - asiantwink