Playing on the Rubber Fist again, it's been such a long time since I used it, but it slips into my ruined hole easily after all these years away. Welcome home my Faithful Fisty Friend xx - Master36dd
New inflatable plug stretch my asscunt with its massive core to 7cm diameter & than pump em up till my huge anus smacks & tryed tosuck the condom off its head while deep punshed inside .... - Mamfisto
My fuckmachine has to do its best. Xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx x xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx - Sextremy
I wanted my last video of 2019 to be something special. This is why I decided to stuff a 8 cm butt plug up my ass without stretching my ass with other toys before. Felt a bit rough but was worth it. - Jakesworld - JollyJake
My hole literally took control of me as soon as I started playing. WOW! I was totally out of control from the endorphin rush toward the end. Monster toys, rose play, I got into watching the monitor - bucksknlguv