Femdom Chastity x
Vlog x
BDSM report: How does it feel to be under lock an key
Being under the complete control of the key mistress for 27 days is an exciting experience. An exciting and moving experience! - Lady Julina - bound-n-hit
BDSM-guide: The Experiment - 14 days with a chastity belt
How exciting! Never before he had even the slightest contact with chastity - and suddenly he wears a chastity belt. A report. bit.ly/36bWxGw - Lady Julina - bound-n-hit
BDSM report: Why does someone like being a chaste person?
The idea for a man, with although the appropriate inclinations to be closed and completely controlled, is very attractive. But what exactly excites a man about the permanent closure? - Lady Julina - bound-n-hit
BDSM report: Experiences of the chastity belt wearer (1)
Keuschling O. reports in detail about his experiences as a chaste. And maybe one or the other can be inspired by this report. - Lady Julina - bound-n-hit
BDSM report: Our BDSM - an exclusive reader's report
An exciting report from the first handcuffs to wearing a chastity belt, which was made available here exclusively on Bound-n-Hit by the reader Crafty. - Bound-n-hit Lady Julina - bound-n-hit
BDSM report: Experiences of the chastity belt wearer (3)
Chaste O. has already gone through so many phases of chastity. But he does not know when it will end and he may finally cum again. O.'s experiences reflect how a Chaste feels while surrendering. - Lady Julina - bound-n-hit