sometimes I have to take extreme measures to get slaves under control! Stripping them of their manhood and reducing his penis to a worthless nothing is very satisfying for any Mistress - Mistress April - Mistress_April_Za
My slave offered himself as a sacrifice for all thoes unworthy slaves oiut there who do not know how to serve and honar a mistress to her satisfaction - Mistress April - Mistress_April_Za
Disloyal, betraying slaves get the most sever punishment! The manhood stripped away from them to live in permanent chastity! - Mistress April - Mistress_April_Za
Sophie Shox is horny and invites her slave around to pleasure her. She bends over right in his face so he can fuck her with various size dildos, painfully teased while being denied any pleasure! - Sophie Shox - SophieShox