I've been working up to 12mm for a long time. Here is the aftermath after sitting in my small dick for 45 minutes. I didn't want to let go. This really wrecked me. - lincsucker
Finally after way to long I got some new toys to play with. Come watch me pound my tight ass while I quiver with pleasure. What would you do to my ass if you had me? - Super_Soaker5000
If you're sexually excited to watch this video, use as many vulgar, violent and obscene words as possible to write your thoughts. because it's the best bait for Fat Jap cum dump pig Shino. - SHINObiashi
He is Japanese cum dump pig dedicated to chubby chaser. He gets unusually excited to be seen his ugly fat body and embarrassing appearance. And he want to be exposed and be spread to the internet. - SHINObiashi
Finally a video featuring the largest and noisiest toy in my collection! Apologies for the video quality,near the end you kinda need to relay on the audio to determine the speed (it gets a bit blurry) - Imaginary-Hannah
he just gotta love his socks and then shoot his seed inside a hole - too bad this ain't a real pussy begging for his cock and cum :( - Tilo Nussija - tantorog
Want to be the next contestant on the “Obeying Slave Game”? Message me on here, kik (MasterHenry_), or Telegram (@MasterHenry465). I’ll be waiting and I’ll provide the instructions to play! 18+ ONLY. - MasterHenry_
Recently got me this new toy! Damn worth the investment! If anyone is interested in getting one let me know I can forward you the link for it. This gadget is also good for beginners. - urdreamknightawaits