Erst lass ich es erstmal so richtig laufen, NS pur und dann noch ein schöner Spritzer oben drauf. Alles in Nahaufnahme - der zweite Versuch - bioldie4you
I had a 10 hour bate session. It was a great day. The only thing I did was take care of my penis. I am a chronic bator. What about you? - bullenkloeten
Fucking horny again, watching a video of two muscle-stepdaddies with big cocks fucking their bottom-boy. Need one or two muscle bear daddies doing the same with me - Corrixx
All that matters in life is mastrubation.You should spend several hours a day with it. Only then you will be a satisfied and happy person. Don't be shy, be a proud bator. Enjoy the power of your penis - bullenkloeten
You weren't there to fuck my horny rosette deeply, unfortunately I had to take the dildo;) .... Don't look for too small a cock that regularly wants to fuck me slowly with pleasure;) - flexi49
It's a cold winter, what's better than take the cock in the hand and jerking off watching some horny men bating with me? - Mineshaft - mineshaft
Bator buddy arconaut does a hot cum tribute watching me fuck a tight bottom. It turns me on to watch guys jerking off to me fucking. He spits his load so far up in the air it lands on his hairy chest - BootieBandit
Hot muscular guy from Germany jerks off his uncut cock in a nice hotel suite. You have to see his shaved ass, and the amazing cum shot! - FuckingDamian
During a hot summer day in Berlin, horny as usual, I needed so bad to come back home and play with my cock, masturbating it with love. - Mineshaft - mineshaft
When the compulsion to bate your cock takes control of your life. You know that feeling? When you make up excuses to your friends just to have time to bate your dick. - bullenkloeten