Cmtlv2 CMTLv5 is Los criptos sf CRIPMOBsT3Rz against slobz and piruz you slob boyz not nothing to us now because my gangsta girlz be fighting to prove it to me infront if the world & my alien probe - SargenteTemplartvar
I can't believe after I cursed Jordan's mother I went to Jordan's enemies house and in stepped into the door and there their they're god was Bigdickjason stinkydickjason he was so smelly I suckedhimup - Unholyshaokahn3
Justina's enemies fine then a motherfucker!!! Transsexual girls pretty ass beauty pagent pussy with Justina's enemies fine big dick ass bag dick big booty fine ass enemies!!! Jordan's enemies fine af - Unholyshaokahn3