Excitedly ordered and received my first leohex item last week! But I had to go on a trip. This was my first try on after 4 days of not cumming. Enjoy! ;) - alldemleosdoe
Ein fremder Reisender fickt meinen zitternden Koerper fruchtig-matschend bis er in meinen Gedaermen kommt. Dann melke ich die Milch aus mir raus. In 2 Perspektiven. Kurzversion einer langen Begattung! - strumpfhoselycra
I think I look really pretty and from the way this stud is looking at me, I'd say that he thinks the same too! I'm going to put on lots of makeup so he adores me and then treats me like a slut. - curiousporn
I love my little, gay, pretty sissy feet and dream of seeing them & certainly feeling them wrapped around a real, blacks man's big dick! I want to jerk them off with my feet until they explode!!! - ClosetSissyBoy
Just got this thing ~ 2 months ago. I'm ready for a new one already. This one is ~ 9.5 insertable by 2. Think ill go for something a bit shorter on the insertable length and ~2.25 inches wide. - Angryburrito1