I've been working up to 12mm for a long time. Here is the aftermath after sitting in my small dick for 45 minutes. I didn't want to let go. This really wrecked me. - lincsucker
I love the this sound, especially with a nice tight cock ring. It feels great when I cum so hard that it even comes out around the outside of the sound shaft, not just through the hollow part. - John080519
Had a spare aerial for my car after washing and sterilising it I just had to try a sounding session with it.... Absolutely awesome and it's 12 inches long and flexible... Like sounding try it ?? - Buxtonleek
Guy inserts stainless steel 6 inch sounding rod into his hard cock and jacks off with rod inside him. Cums huge due to sounding stimulation and unleases big load of cum. - VualGrimoire
Cumming in my fleshlight, after an edging session. Turn the sound up and hear every squirt. Drop me a message as I sometimes do this live on cam. - g_scot1966
I really enjoy sounding, sometimes with odd things. This time I was sounding with a rubber worm while I had on one of my favorite leather cock rings.This was a great jerk off session, plenty of cum!! - John080519
Sounding my cock while on a road trip till I cum, and eat up my own load. A friend would have been nice in the car to sound me while I drive. - leatherwolf007
Recently got me this new toy! Damn worth the investment! If anyone is interested in getting one let me know I can forward you the link for it. This gadget is also good for beginners. - urdreamknightawaits