Masturbating with a big pink dildo
After an evening out I was sitting at home alone on my sofa when I started to get horny. Slowly I stripped my clothes off, leaving just my tight, black corset and I started to finger my pussy, getting it good and wet. Then I reached for my favorite large, pink dildo and started fucking myself with it until I was about to cum. Finally I rubbed my swollen clit and came hard. - Camvivian - camvivian
Masturbating with a lollipop
Guys have often told me in the past that I have a really sweet pussy, and in this case they're right! I made this movie for you recently, I put my hair in pigtails and wore the cutest blue pantyhose while sucking on a delicious sugar lollipop. I started to rub the sticky treat all over my big boobs and hard nipples and then pulled the front of my pantyhose away to rub the lolly over my shaved pussy. This got me so wet so I took the pantyhose off and filled my tight pussy with the delicious sweet treat. - Camvivian - camvivian