Somehow, for completely mysterious reasons horse ointment has gotten on the whole varnish of my overknees... But what do you have a bootjack and his corresponding rag for? And no, this time I do no... - Cruel Reell - Cruel-Reell
You think that cooking shows are those cozy steaming pre-evening program fillers? Then you don't know this one yet! On the fine line between disgust and dark desires I hit exactly the right note of... - Cruel Reell - Cruel-Reell
I twist and grind my slaves cock into the board i stomp it, crush it under the soles and heels and even trap it in the arches and jab it with the other boots heel... then give his a nice boot job! - sexycamcouple
It only takes one day of nylons and leather boots paired with a decreased air circulation to create a sweet poison - a virus, that makes every victim fall into uncompromising spinelessness. To tran... - Cruel Reell - Cruel-Reell