This is the first Fridge Humping video in the world. If you watch this video in 2030 and this is a popular topic and category, just know where it started. Ahaha: D - Sasha Bikeyeva - BikeyevaSasha
I didn't really need a P900 at this range, but since it can image stabilise in my hand well enough to see Saturn's rings, it really helped at this range too. - StashMasher
I don't remember why we were laying in the middle of a demolished hellscape but my tipsy little tartlet of a slave wife managed to transform her beer into an implement of seduction - BreakingJamie
C'mon boys ! If you want the thrills of love, I've been through the mills of love ! I can give you the real thrills of Sex. If you wanna date me, send a photo and be concrete and honest ! (Brussels) - TinaTorride