I hit'eem up on Grindr. I'd been fucking the entire week, I can't even remember which day/night this was. Very nice old man arse. Enjoy! - darellsm21
I go to bed in the nude now cause I know in the early morning hours of the morning after mom is asleep my step-step dad would sneak in for a lil nookie. - Tabasco45
Saw this guy at a auto parts store started talking about cars and convinced him to stop by my house to see my cars and one thing led to another beer and his hole in my face with some of my friends. - PHXLevisman1
When I turnt fifty years old some sort of switch clicked in my head and all I desired was some young tight booty so I dumped my partner and found me a hot lil thug dude with a tight asshole. - Tabasco45