This boy has been wanting to eat my ass and lick my taint specifically for a long time. I love a chub, especially one that wants to suck and lap at my perineum. I can cum from that alone! - Midekai - Midekai
Shouts out sexxxysilver the alt account holding a DaddiesBeLike original I posted years ago. Isn’t his ass beautiful? I found that booty and made him my husband. Hands off boys. Get your own daddy - DaddiesBeLike
Final Draft? Close if i had the time I’d tweak some of the last frames and captions, but this is pretty damn close. & it’s good. I was feeling pretty down, but watching this reminds me I can do this. - DaddiesBeLike
Been a while since I uploaded anything. I was supposed to meet up with a superchub friend of mine, but he had to cancel. I was so ready fill his huge ass with this load, unfortunately it was wasted. - Clawhauser
Buddy decides to train my ass with one of my favorite huge toys. First half of the video I do pretty well. The second half I can't keep quiet in the precum starts to flow - legarcon89
Remixed the classic General Scene “VIRTUAL Reality” it’s one of my all time favorites but always had too much going on. The narrative changes, the ugly daddy is removed & the scene is much better. - DaddiesBeLike
Song is called Extended Release by adderrol. I do this for the culture. I want to make a difference in the daddy porn world. Start here and hopefully make my own videos. Just gotta figure things out. - DaddiesBeLike
I've always had this thing, but idk why I never use it during a recording. Maybe it's because I never want to pull out. Guess I'm a breeder by nature ;) - cmasters12
Getting out a quick load in the bathroom. Hope you all like it. I'll be uploading more soon. Message me if you want to talk into chubs bears and cubs. - Vcshadow89