I've been working up to 12mm for a long time. Here is the aftermath after sitting in my small dick for 45 minutes. I didn't want to let go. This really wrecked me. - lincsucker
Want to be the next contestant on the “Obeying Slave Game”? Message me on here, kik (MasterHenry_), or Telegram (@MasterHenry465). I’ll be waiting and I’ll provide the instructions to play! 18+ ONLY. - MasterHenry_
The Management Bitch is forced to cancel an important board meeting to be used as entertainment instead!! From a suit to nude, his little cock is chastised for the first time - the first of many!! - slave10
Recently got me this new toy! Damn worth the investment! If anyone is interested in getting one let me know I can forward you the link for it. This gadget is also good for beginners. - urdreamknightawaits
CBT, cock belting, cock paddling, cock pain, on my little cock, plus ball-busting. Some ass-belting & paddling. Short session, too much pain. I want a webcam master! - wotanwahlsung
slave10 helps train Mistress' slave and prepares him to perform a cum-show for Mistress. slave10 gets to dribble and lock its clit back up without real relief. - slave10
Want to be the next contestant on the “Obeying Slave Game”? Message me on here, kik (MasterHenry_), or Telegram (@MasterHenry465). I’ll be waiting and I’ll provide the instructions to play! 18+ ONLY. - MasterHenry_
Sissy slave in chastity is forced to tease its little clitty every day for 50 days. This is day 48. Look how blue those useless balls are!! - Hurtmyballs83