Wir wollen aufstehen, aufeinander zugehen, voneinander lernen, miteinander umzugehen. Aufstehen, aufeinander zugehen und uns nicht entfernen, wenn wir etwas nicht verstehen. Viel zu lang schon rumg... - Cruel Reell - Cruel-Reell
Rarely are there BDSM community's that shine with quality and are free. Gentledom.de proves the opposite. This flirt page in the area of BDSM, I present to you here today. - Lady Julina - bound-n-hit
I told my girlfriend about how much I dream of ballbusting and testicular pain. What a man can experience when his preference is put into practice, can be found in today's experience report. - Lady Julina - bound-n-hit
´You bring the meat and I'll cook something nice.` - You shouldn't have come, boy. You can't seriously believe I'd summon you to Salzburg for a romantic dinner at 3:00 in the morning... - Cruel Reell - Cruel-Reell