I've been working up to 12mm for a long time. Here is the aftermath after sitting in my small dick for 45 minutes. I didn't want to let go. This really wrecked me. - lincsucker
Aufgabe war es sich und vorhandene Spielzeuge der Herrin vorzustellen. Kommentiert und Bewertet wie Camsklave1 seine Aufgabe erfüllt hat. - Herrin_Susanna
I need to challenge myself more. A year ago I had the goal to have my urethra insanely stretched out, but I am not where I need to be. Starting today I am going to train with a new size each month. - Valindril - valindril
Daddy likes to be served. He likes a good meal prepared by a good slut like you, also having his dirty kitchen tied up afterwards. If well done, he'll reward you with his feet, asshole and cum. - ABAJOSUB
After the estim driver had to go I still felt like I had another cum in me, so I kept going on my own. I forgot to record audio though. A lot of cum for the second load of the day. - Ben There - cbvs80
BDSM fun with my boyfriend Badrinath. I am a slave, a slut for my master. I like to get my penis thrusted. Also Badri in great form here and aggressive too. Kool kisses made my day. - abadlastra11
Recently got me this new toy! Damn worth the investment! If anyone is interested in getting one let me know I can forward you the link for it. This gadget is also good for beginners. - urdreamknightawaits
I stop in the middle of a random street..then I decided I wanna get nasty! So in this part I pour old piss on myself then rip off some of my soaked clothes! - datwavykidaaron89