Slanging is not a 24/7 movement. Sometimes business is slow so in between sometimes you got to sell your ass if that is what the buyer wants. - Tabasco45
Went by to check on my girlfriend yet she was out but her gay brother was there and when he stripped down and revealed his scrumptious ass I couldn't help but to dive in. - Tabasco45
Sorry homie but when it comes time to pay me my money I'm not excepting no I.O.U. or any sob story. You going to pay me one way or another #REALTALK - Tabasco45
Because of our parents religiously beliefs they don't approve of homosexuality so late in the evening when they fall asleep my neighbor and I creep out for a little one on one. - Tabasco45
I've always wondered what my sister saw in this ghetto dude until we hooked up one night. Now I know why she loves him. He can really laid down some pipe. - Tabasco45
In an attempt to help sister in her divorce case I decided to entrap her assumed str8 husband on video tape by seducing him but things went further than I anticipated. - Tabasco45
This dude knows I'll never be his because I'm married and I don't live my life that way. Only time I fuck with him is when my wife won't give me none. He said I could fuck him anytime so I do. - Tabasco45