Hair brush masturbation
I was getting ready to go out the other night wearing just some white stockings and a pretty lingerie set in white while I did my hair. I'm very easily distracted and soon found myself getting turned on, so started to play with the sharp and bristly end of the hair brush, rubbing it over my big tits. Then I spread my pussy and started to rub the bristles over my sensitivie wet pink lips and swollen clit. - Camvivian - camvivian
Taking my jeans off before slowly masturbating for fun
I love to please myself, but I like to do it slowly, sensually, and gradually. That's why, here, I'm wearing a pair of tight-fitting jeans. These jeans fit perfectly on my body, and they feel nice and tight. I also wear some cute rainbow socks. After a while, I slowly take my clothes, including panties, off, and that's when the fun starts. I rub my cute and tight pussy, and I move seductively all over my bed. Of course, because of this pleasure, I also came, and I feel pretty satisfied. - Camvivian - camvivian
Game on as Priya uses her billiards table to masturbate on
Game on as Priya uses her billiards table to masturbate on - Priya Anjali Rai - pubacash
Game on as Priya uses her billiards table to masturbate on
Game on as Priya uses her billiards table to masturbate on - Priya Rai - pubacash
Surfing the internet before a wild masturbating session
There's nothing better than some chill internet browsing, which I moderately enjoy. But, sometimes, like now, when I do that, I'm horny. I was in some tight pants and a cute shirt, and I quickly had to remove them. When I did, all that was left was my cute bra and my panties. But, slowly, my panties disappeared too, and I was sensually moving all over the bed while I was touching my beautiful pussy. I was moaning and trying to catch my breath, but in the end, the orgasm that I had was too pleasurable, and I loved it. - Camvivian - camvivian