In purple panties and black stockings I insert a large plug butt into my tight ass. Then I force him out of myself with force. The plug falls out of my pussy with a noise. See my deep ass. I'm sexy. - HugeDildo83
Sitting on my dildo milking my nipples big time and using other milking machine to suck on my tit's , then using nipple vibrating suction cups to an orgasm. - lovedildos
Love riding for hours on end need a bigger suction cup toy though lol, takes a lil stretching but can usually take anything, nearly fists even ;) - Natalie__Rose
I don't know if I told y'all or not, but it do take a couple 2, 3 times for Big Blue The Plug to fit comfortably. Other than that my ass will not let him in. Now that's tight opposed to most. - DevineCaramel
Training for a crossdresser ass pussy. I'd love to take it all inside my butt hole, but I have to train a lot to get it properly. Here you can see how I practice for my and your enjoyment ... - maddalenamariposa
Trans with a huge cock has fun filling her ass up with a massive dildo followed by two big brutal dildos that leave her anus wrecked and dripping with cum - stevenr