Song is called Extended Release by adderrol. I do this for the culture. I want to make a difference in the daddy porn world. Start here and hopefully make my own videos. Just gotta figure things out. - DaddiesBeLike
Shouts out sexxxysilver the alt account holding a DaddiesBeLike original I posted years ago. Isn’t his ass beautiful? I found that booty and made him my husband. Hands off boys. Get your own daddy - DaddiesBeLike
I fuck this older silver Latino daddy with a great tight body but a little gut. So hot. He loves how I fuck him. His ass is so warm and his walls have soft muscles that are incredible. Im - Bron24
Old video I found on my phone.. Fucked this tall older sissy for about an hour before he gave up on me. Last time I bred him in like 15 minutes lol. - JDmaster98
I want a girl who works in porn movies I want that girl who makes X videos, I am ready to marry. Beautiful big boob If there is a girl then come to me i am always ready to get married - Ian Jay Quentin Gainz Wesley Woods Cutler X - Danishuu
Saw this guy at a auto parts store started talking about cars and convinced him to stop by my house to see my cars and one thing led to another beer and his hole in my face with some of my friends. - PHXLevisman1
Young guy who had never had sex came over to experience it with my big fat cheeks and sopping-wet ass pussy. Not exactly a spectacular fuck but i like taking young cocks... gets me off. - Candy Ass Sissy - Candy_Ass_Sissy
Step DaddiesBeLike Original. I always wanted to know what a young bbc and white daddy say before they have sex. Enjoy. Let me know what you think. - DaddiesBeLike
Met this guy through Kik... 18yo high school senior who had never done anything with a guy before. He sucked my cock for a while, then I returned the favor. After this he shot all over my face. - queer804
Episode 3 is going to be so lit. I gotta make up for that mess I made with episode 2 so I’m thinking fireworks, daddies, black guys, a dj, some confetti, PS5s. Hmm... for now enjoy the preview for now - DaddiesBeLike
Remixed the classic General Scene “VIRTUAL Reality” it’s one of my all time favorites but always had too much going on. The narrative changes, the ugly daddy is removed & the scene is much better. - DaddiesBeLike
Again, one of those perfect little videos I found on some random corner of the internet. Watch as the guy cums at 1:23. The cocksucker is so cute, eager, and accomplished, you'd wife him up! - ThickReputation