Shouts out sexxxysilver the alt account holding a DaddiesBeLike original I posted years ago. Isn’t his ass beautiful? I found that booty and made him my husband. Hands off boys. Get your own daddy - DaddiesBeLike
Song is called Extended Release by adderrol. I do this for the culture. I want to make a difference in the daddy porn world. Start here and hopefully make my own videos. Just gotta figure things out. - DaddiesBeLike
Met this big boi while shopping, He was a cutie with a fat ass and big tits! Daddy had to have it all. and he wanted and needed some good daddy dick. as you can see he got all my fat dick. - DaddyDigger89
Step DaddiesBeLike Original. I always wanted to know what a young bbc and white daddy say before they have sex. Enjoy. Let me know what you think. - DaddiesBeLike
Episode 3 is going to be so lit. I gotta make up for that mess I made with episode 2 so I’m thinking fireworks, daddies, black guys, a dj, some confetti, PS5s. Hmm... for now enjoy the preview for now - DaddiesBeLike
Remixed the classic General Scene “VIRTUAL Reality” it’s one of my all time favorites but always had too much going on. The narrative changes, the ugly daddy is removed & the scene is much better. - DaddiesBeLike