What a wank, pre cum and proper cum, hot yummy spunk
Enjoy this one of me having a proper good hard wank. Took a while to cum properly but it was worth it in the end. Was watching a great vid, but you can hear me too cumming nice and hard - yummy !! - Magicaldog
Miley Cyrus (My GODDESS) Cumm Tribute
I love Miley Cyrus and I love cumming in her. She turns me on so Much! - AmazingMiley
Cub cums all over feet and floor
Felt like cumming tonight but didn’t feel like cumming in some tissues. The floor it is. - Gbw1994
JO With New Cock Ring
Moaning like a cheap xhamster whore porn actress when l cum. Lol. - DESTROYEDHOLE
10 day treatment over, looks like I'm going back to the doc.
The Antibiotics treated the infection in my Right testicle, it seems that I still have an enlarged prostate gland that is causing the blockage of sperm & semen. I hope the doctor will have a plan B. - FuzzyWuzzywasabear