I've been working up to 12mm for a long time. Here is the aftermath after sitting in my small dick for 45 minutes. I didn't want to let go. This really wrecked me. - lincsucker
Aufgabe war es sich und vorhandene Spielzeuge der Herrin vorzustellen. Kommentiert und Bewertet wie Camsklave1 seine Aufgabe erfüllt hat. - Herrin_Susanna
WHAT AM i DOING WRONG? I have never had a cock ring before so I bought a vibrating one and all it does is sit there 'till it falls off can anyone help? - Lesv10
Front pussy is a crotch in which a small cock is buried in fat and a hole like a woman’s pussy is made. He is very excited that his penis is so small and always buried in fat. - SHINObiashi
I need to challenge myself more. A year ago I had the goal to have my urethra insanely stretched out, but I am not where I need to be. Starting today I am going to train with a new size each month. - Valindril - valindril
Finally a video featuring the largest and noisiest toy in my collection! Apologies for the video quality,near the end you kinda need to relay on the audio to determine the speed (it gets a bit blurry) - Imaginary-Hannah