Mein Spaziergang geil geworden und ein bisschen Spaß im Maisfeld gehabt. Wäre geil wenn man beim Gassi gehen jemanden regelmäßig Treffen würde für ein bisschen Spaß - swingdeinding
Enjoying an end of summer fun day under the sun with a young guy I met at the pub last night. It was our official first date/intimate encounter. - Tabasco45
Every so often I stroll through Magnolia Park where the homeless drunks hang out with a bottle of cheap wine so I could get a good sloppy blow job in exchange for it. - Tabasco45
While out cruising for action a horny guy runs into a broke desperate hitch hiker who desperately needed a ride. He agrees to give him a ride as long as he blew him during the ride. - Tabasco45
Didn't have but three dollars to my name yet I was horny and desperate for a release valve and by chance I happened upon a guy who helped me out. - Tabasco45