I've been working up to 12mm for a long time. Here is the aftermath after sitting in my small dick for 45 minutes. I didn't want to let go. This really wrecked me. - lincsucker
I was terrified to actually try this, but the wax felt good and kept the candle partly inserted in my urethra. I apologize for the short video as it was kind of hard to film a lit candle. - dieselmutt
After 4 days locked my owner decided they liked it so much I was told to go take one last wank before I went into the cage for the “foreseeable future”. Arrrrggghhh! - blah4686
I need to challenge myself more. A year ago I had the goal to have my urethra insanely stretched out, but I am not where I need to be. Starting today I am going to train with a new size each month. - Valindril - valindril