I've been working up to 12mm for a long time. Here is the aftermath after sitting in my small dick for 45 minutes. I didn't want to let go. This really wrecked me. - lincsucker
My lemon which has a diameter of 7.2cm really stretches my aching anus to the limit. One day I will get to 8.0cm. ? During lockdown I’m open to requests on what to obliterate my ass with. ? - Thebumgaper
Sexy Scottish bear, Brucey displays his hard cock and fingers his hole as he strokes and cums for the pleasure of men. He loves to be humiliated and exposed, so please comment and like. - buftycub
Recently got me this new toy! Damn worth the investment! If anyone is interested in getting one let me know I can forward you the link for it. This gadget is also good for beginners. - urdreamknightawaits
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Hook up your stim gear and follow along as I fill up a syringe with precum and drip it on my cock. Let me know how far you make it or what you think. - Ben There - cbvs80
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