FUCK!!! That Nut Was Going To Be SOOO Good .. Fuck Cumming, That Was Going To Be A Full Blown Orgasm With A Thick Stream Of Cum To Show For It.. But She Punked Out - Virginity1996
I work at a phone store in Huntsville, AL and this 70 year old granny came into the store for a new phone. During the data transfer, I stole these videos from her phone. Black Cock Slut for life! - SEGAChocolate
I swear every time this homeless woman's gums and lips touches this guy's dick she has an uncontrollable screaming orgasm with his sensitive dick! I wish I had this man's dick AND Ms.Homless's mouth - TakeTeethOut
This is a clip of a 2 hour 3some with me (the one getting sucked) and an old friend of granny k. at his place last summer. The "giving granny orgasms" series was part of it as well. - Deeprnit