I love when straight guys want to hook up because I let them do all the nasty stuff that women have too much self respect to let them do. - stoOpidFhagit
A visiting businessman in his 50s, we made plans to meet at his hotel (coincidentally next to my university campus). A very yummy daddy bear he was. - Darkien
My Daddy bear told me he thought it would be hot if he woke up to me fucking him. Hopefully he will actually wake up one of these times to enjoy it. - Jeffreyg1711
Diego el papa de mi amigo me culea deladito y me acaricia las nalgas con mucha lujuria, me encanta su picha gorda y sus bolotas redondas, es de mis machos favoritos, le di las nalgas toda una vida - gorditointenso
I do love this position of fuck. And his way of fucking is great. I love step daddybig turkish waouh even his feets i will lick them.. love this video. - Moloum