In Baltimore, when you’re seeking sleazy sex, the road to go is Pulaski Highway. That is where all the trade and adult stores are located at. I found myself recently there and played with some piggies - RicantopNYC
Having his cock in my mouth was insane with pleasure. Just thinking about the pleasure that my partner received by fucking my mouth gave me a unique pleasure. It made me feel useful and valuable to wh - LBPerfectolopezlucen
Diego el papa de mi amigo me culea deladito y me acaricia las nalgas con mucha lujuria, me encanta su picha gorda y sus bolotas redondas, es de mis machos favoritos, le di las nalgas toda una vida - gorditointenso
It’s fairly self-explanatory. I declare my love again for big man ass. He came over last night with his delicious ass and rawked my world. - RicantopNYC