Erst lass ich es erstmal so richtig laufen, NS pur und dann noch ein schöner Spritzer oben drauf. Alles in Nahaufnahme - der zweite Versuch - bioldie4you
my ex gf recording me entertaining her during one of her suprise visits when her man fucks her before going to work, he drops her off at my place so i can eat his cum from her pussy and drink her pee. - hotmonkeyboy1
I filmed a video of me filming myself cumming, sent to a friend. I jacked off for a bit but man that was awesome. Especially since all I can do now is jack off until further notice. - Unconquerabletaste
Still a tiny cumshot, but a little bigger than my last one. I’m trying to get better cumshots to upload, but most of the times my cumshots are too small to upload it’s embarrassing ? - LittleMushroomHead